American International School (Bucharest)
The American International School of Bucharest is a multicultural and international learning community, located in Romania. English is the principal language of instruction. We offer students the best of the American and International education traditions, as well as the benefits of access to the rich culture and heritage of Romania. A rigorous curriculum, based on the International Baccalaureate Primary Years, Middle Years, and Diploma Programs, prepares students for success in universities worldwide.
Fundatia International British School of Bucharest (Bucharest)
We are designated as a:
PROSPER - ASE Language Centre (Bucharest)
English language training.
Total School (Bucharest)
Educational Center este o unitate de invatamant particulara ce realizeaza cursuri de perfectionare si recalificare in diverse domenii de activitate, avizate de Ministerul Educatiei si Cercetarii si Ministerul Muncii si Solidaritatii Sociale.
International House (Bucharest, Brasov)
- International House este una din cele mai prestigioase institutii educationale din Marea Britanie, avand sediul central la Londra. IH este considerata drept creatoarea standardelor predarii limbii engleze si, in prezent, activeaza in peste 130 de centre de pregatire din 40 de tari;
Access Language Centre (Cluj)
Non-governmental, non-profit organisation, established in 1996 with the support of the British Council and the Open Society Foundation (Authorized by the Ministry of National Education.
GO Romania (Targu)
We are a Christian ESL school of 12 staff from a number of English speaking countries.