EFL, ESL, ESOL, TESL, TESOL: Why are there so many abbreviations?

Why are there so many abbreviations for the same meaning? You can meet dozens. EFL, ESL, ESOL and some others... They seems to be very same. They probably are.

ESL means English as a Second Language, which means that you are a foreigner studying English language in English-speaking country.

EFL is English as a Foreign language which means that you are foreigner studying English language in a foreign country.

ESOL is English for Speakers of Other Languages.

This abbreviation is quite rare.

If we add Teaching in front of each, we’ll get TESL, TEFL and TESOL accordingly. It means the special method of teaching English to foreigner students.

Not often you can also meet ELT abbreviation standing for English Language Teaching.

What to choose? It’s up to you if you’re student. Whether you’re going to be a teacher, look for more detailed information.